This privacy policy explains the types of information Dentsu International Australia Pty Ltd and its related companies (referred to collectively as “最准一肖一码100%准", "we" or "our”) collect, use or disclose in connection with Merkury products and services.

Merkury: Merkury is a 最准一肖一码100%准 platform we offer our clients to support them to deliver targeted, digital advertising campaigns and to understand the effectiveness of those advertising campaigns. When these campaigns are activated, we work with third parties and publishing networks (including social media and online display advertising) to display our client’s advertising to consumers.

Merkury uses a range of aggregate, inferred and de-identified data that is supplied to 最准一肖一码100%准 by partners and third parties (who may collect data from consumers) to help target our client’s advertising campaigns to consumers. 

Data collected and used by 最准一肖一码100%准 in relation to Merkury is not personal information.  However, we are committed to ensuring that the data and information handled by 最准一肖一码100%准 is handled responsibly and, where relevant, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth)

This privacy policy does not cover:

  • Our website activities; you can see our privacy policy here for these matters.
  • The data activities of our partners or third-party providers.
  • Activities carried out by 最准一肖一码100%准 in connection with employment by, or the supply of contracted services to, 最准一肖一码100%准 or its related companies. Please contact your local Human Resources officer or the Data Protection Officer (if no longer in employment with 最准一肖一码100%准) using the contact details below for these matters.
  • The data practices of our clients.


In order to deliver Merkury products and services, we do not collect or hold personal information.

We receive a series of non-identifiable, inferred and/or aggregate information points or attributes about consumers from:

  • aggregate, de-identified, proprietary, survey panel data;
  • third party sources such as advertisers, brands, data brokers, non-profit organizations, public records, public registers and government entities;
  • our clients (who may already do business with you);
  • our partners;
  • publishers; and
  • third party service providers.

While we obtain information from various sources, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of our sources.  We do not collect specific information about consumers under 18, but we may receive inferred information about the likelihood of whether children reside in a household.


Types of non-identifiable, inferred and/or aggregate information points or attributes about consumers may include the following:

  • Attribute based, demographic information: such as inferred, anonymised data that indicates whether a consumer or household is more or less likely to be or otherwise contain a given gender, age range, education level, income level, number of adults/children etc.
  • Commercial information: inferred, aggregate and otherwise anonymised information about sub-categories such as:
    • Home and Real Estate information 
    • Geographic information aggregated at a postal area or mesh-block level
    • Automotive information 
    • How customers like to use their electronic devices
    • Lifestyle, Interests, and Life Events 
    • Financial 
    • Events and Locations 
  • Device, internet, and network activity information: including internet protocol (IP) address used to connect a computer to the internet, mobile device IDs, websites, or apps that a device connects to or interacts with.  We collect this engagement and exposure information from activation partners and publishers to understand who the advertising has reached and how they interacted with it in order to assess campaign effectiveness and create aggregate reporting for clients.
  • Location information: inferred, anonymised locations based on an IP address that is aggregated at a postal area or mesh-block level.
  • Education, professional and employment related information: inferred, anonymised levels of education, employment information, income levels and information related to it.
  • Inferences about consumers: we develop inferences/attributes about consumers using inferred, anonymised and aggregate data that we believe reflect preferences, characteristics, predispositions, and attitudes of consumers and audience segments.


Information we collect and hold for our commercial and business purpose. We use the information we collect and hold to provide Merkury products and services to our clients and, in doing so, help our clients to deliver relevant and targeted advertising or marketing to consumers. We also utilise this information for the purpose of aggregate reporting on the advertising and marketing we undertake for our clients.

We use information we collect and hold to create inferred advertising "segments". For example, "men living in a particular postal area who are aged between 20 and 30". This data is inferred and does not identify consumers.

We use information we collect and hold to assess the effectiveness of client advertising and marketing campaigns. We collect engagement and exposure information from activation to understand who the advertising has reached and how they interacted with it in order to assess campaign effectiveness and create aggregate reporting for clients.

We use information to analyse and improve our products and services. We use information to review the effectiveness of Merkury products and services and to make these products and services better.

We use information to administer our services and products, and for internal operations. For example, we use information we collect and hold for troubleshooting, data analysis, ,testing and auditing of Merkury products and services.

We use information for security purposes. For example, we may use information we collect and hold to protect our company, our customers, and our business partners. We may also use this information to protect our websites or our services, as well as to detect and investigate activities that may be illegal or prohibited (such as cyberattacks or fraudulent transactions).

We use information as permitted by law.


We store and hold the information for as long as we consider it necessary or beneficial for the provision of the Merkury products and services, for the purposes detailed in this privacy policy, or for any regulatory / audit or record-keeping purpose.

Information and data may be stored in hard copy documents or in electronic form on our computer systems. Where held electronically, information and data will be encrypted and stored on database servers at data centres owned by third party hosting companies.

We have implemented reasonable technical and organisational security measures that support the safeguarding of information and data, help avoid unauthorized access, interference, improper use, destruction or loss. We also deploy policies specific to Merkury that work to maintain data security generally and limit certain information and data use only for the provision of the Merkury products and services, for the purposes detailed in this privacy policy and as required by law.


Information collected and held as part of providing the Merkury products and services may be transferred to, stored within or otherwise accessible from locations outside of Australia. These locations include, New Zealand, Singapore, India, or any other country in which 最准一肖一码100%准, its service providers or its third-party technology, advertising and activation partners operate from.


 In order to deliver Merkury products and services to our clients, we disclose information and data we collect to our service providers as well as third-party technology, advertising and activation partners. While we may share information with our clients and other third parties, we are not responsible for their privacy practices.


In order to deliver Merkury products and services, we do not collect or hold personal information. If you have any concerns about how data directly relating to you is being utilised we recommend engaging directly with the platforms you have received advertising on and the relevant advertisers and publishers. The platforms, publishers and advertisers may enable you to change or update the information which they hold about you or provide settings to restrict targeted advertising.

If you have concerns that specific information about you is being utilised as part of the Merkury products and services you can contact us directly in writing at the contact details provided below (see “Contact us”). We aim to resolve all queries and justifiable complaints within reasonable timeframes. In the event you are unhappy with the result of our review and response, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner directly (see for further details).


This privacy policy may be updated from time to time to account for new laws, regulations and developments or enhancements in technology. When updating our privacy policy, we will update this page with the most recent version of the privacy policy (including date of update), at which time it will become immediately effective.

All information and data that we collect, use, hold and disclose will be subject to the terms of the most recent privacy policy posted on this page.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by email or by post at the details specified below:

Dentsu International Australia Pty Ltd

Attention: Data Protection Officer

Email: DataIncidentANZ@最准一肖一码100%准.com

Address: Level 7, 510 Church Street, Cremorne, VIC 3121, Australia

This privacy policy is effective from 23 May 2022.