Connected customer identities create connected customer experiences. 

By connecting customer experiences to customer identities, marketers accelerate their ability to examine and learn from customer interactions with their brands. Identity resolution is at the very foundation of our marketing technology stack framework and it is the reason why we keep customer identity top of mind in every technology implementation or system integration we deliver.

There is no one product or piece of technology that is going to solve identity resolution across your customer experience. There is no silver bullet. Instead, marketers should think through the different ways customers are interacting with your brand, how they are being identified at each of those touch points, and how engagements, attached to that identifier, will be brought back to a “source of truth” and resolved to inform the customer’s profile.


first-party customer records managed by Merkle


coverage of U.S. households via Merkury product


PII match via M1 product

The Cookieless World

As the clock is ticking on third-party cookies, our report cuts through the ambient noise to help you prepare for the cookieless world. Most technology platforms have recently implemented or announced restrictions around data collection and user tracking through their web browsers and operating systems. 

In the midst of sensationalist headlines, technical solutions still being worked out, and a lack of shared standards to get behind, it is normal for marketers to feel lost and nervous. In this new definitive guide for global marketers, we rise above unique market perspectives to help you focus on what you should know today and investigate tomorrow to be ready in 2023, when the world will become cookieless. 

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Our identity solutions

Engagement-driven identity insights

We develop value-based experiences for your brand, such as promotions, engagement hubs and loyalty programs, that incentivize customers to share data to populate your private identity graph.

Identity-based agency services

From media services to CRM and the implementation of digital technologies, we create unique value by injecting identity-based insights powered by M1, our proprietary platform, into all of our agency engagements.

Customizable identity platform

Build your brand’s own private 1st party identity graphs, attributing interactions across all online and offline touchpoints to a specific person ID, and manage information in a bespoke privacy-safe data and analytics environment.